Friday, February 21, 2020

The Different Aspects of Reality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Different Aspects of Reality - Essay Example Obviously, this is all fantasy as a falling star cannot be caught, and mandrake roots and mermaids are purely mythological. This fantastic imagery helps to reveal the imaginary and impossible theme of Donne’s poem. Nevertheless, such impossibility teaches the reader to be realistic and to realize that there is no perfect lover in the world. Although it is the fantasy that masks John Donne’s realism in â€Å"Song,† Frederick Nims’ â€Å"Love Poem† is downright honest in saying that perfect love does not exist and that if one loves another then one has to embrace all of his or her lover’s shortcomings. Nims uses the imagery of an unskilled and disorganized woman in revealing the reality of imperfections in relationships. In the first stanza, Nims describes his lover as his â€Å"†¦clumsiest dear, whose hands shipwreck vases† and someone â€Å"at whose quick touch all glasses chip and ring† (Nims 366). Such a woman, as depicte d by the imagery, is always making mistakes. She is also known as an â€Å"unpredictable dear, the taxi driver’s error† as well as a â€Å"Misfit in any space/ And never on time† (366). She is, therefore, lacks finesse and punctuality. Nevertheless, although she is â€Å"Forgetting [her] coffee spreading on [their] flannel,† the poet and she are â€Å"so gaily in love’s unbreakable heaven† (366). This means that no matter how careless and imperfect she is, the point is that they love each other so much. Love, therefore, can bloom despite the imperfection, and this is real love. One should, therefore, love his or her lover despite all his or her shortcomings. The imagery in the final stanza reveals a rather exaggerated form of acceptance of one’s lover: â€Å"Smash glasses/ I will study wry music for your sake† (366). This means that no matter how clumsy the lover is, as long as there is love, there is a necessity to wholehearte dly embrace all his or her imperfections. The exaggerated imagery of the last two lines then ultimately reveals that one’s happiness even depends on such an imperfection: â€Å"For should, your hands drop white and empty/ All the toys of the world would break† (366). This simply means one thing – without such lover’s hands, no matter how imperfect the labor that they produce is, nothing would be done at all, or without such an imperfect lover, there would be no happiness at all for the person who loves him or her. Although happiness is derived from imperfect reality, sometimes such reality is boring and one needs to make himself happy from his daydreams.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Performance Related Pay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Performance Related Pay - Essay Example A critical look at performance pay however points to the fact that this method utilizes only performance as the determinant factor. It neglects other important determinants of pay such as no knowledge and skills, educational background and orientation, possession of relevant experience and other extraneous factors that play equally important roles in determining the amount of salary. The performance pay system may sometimes lack proper control system therefore giving superiors unwarranted control over the system. The system relies on money as the sole motivator hence it assumes that workers are so interested in monetary gains such that they will increase production as long as they are paid for it. However there exists checks and balances which if put in place will make the implementation process of this system all much easier and acceptable to the employees. Many organizations have turned into the performance pay system as their basis of rewarding, reviewing salaries as well as for job evaluation. Also many organizations have resorted into the performance pay system in order to motivate their employees who achieve outstanding and exemplary results. The pay system just like many others is vulnerable to abuse and misuse. Research has shown that there have been many cases of discrimination and segregation, which happens in organization as a direct result of an employee's gender, colour, race, political orientation as well as religious affiliation. Performance Pay and Unfair Discrimination When discrimination is applied to employees, it contributes to de-motivation and therefore affecting output. Countries have put in place anti discrimination laws to check on arbitrary and unfair discrimination against employees. Discrimination can be in various forms such as, on gender, race, nationality, marital status, ideology, political inclination, disability or religious affiliation. Anti discrimination laws protect employees and ensures that they are treated in respect to terms entered in the contract of employment. Employers should ensure equal pay regardless of individual backgrounds or circumstances. Equal pay is different from identical pay in that the latter depends on other factors such as length of service and age. Discrimination can either be direct, i.e., whereby and employer treats a person less favourably than others on the grounds of sex, marital status or race. Indirect discrimination occurs whereby the effect of a condition of employment is discriminatory. Employers should offer or make adjustments to working conditions in order to ensure that vulnerable groups are not at a disadvantage and thus they can perform or deliver like the rest of the employees. Victimization should be eliminated for it will affect the output of the victim and eventually lead to unfair reward. Management of companies can use the performance pay system as a human resource strategy in order to attract and retain the best employees. There is a significant relationship between pay and performance in order for organization to attract appropriate staff their pay must look relatively attractive. While it is in the interest of most employees to earn the best salaries possible it is worthy noting that the interest of employer and employee significantly differ. For the employer the interest is more on employee performance hence they will not mind paying more in order to getting more